Hello sweet friends,
I hope you had a wonderful week and ready to catch a break this weekend.
A lot of things going on in September, and we need to take proper care of ourselves during this month. My head is spinning around with all the things I need to finish. At the same time, the soul is asking for some inspiration and strength. We all have so many things to deal with but never should forget about taking care of ourselves first. The car won’t drive without the fuel.
For that reason, please enjoy the pick me up Friday coffee date edition.
Today’s Friday Coffee Date Features:
Health: The list of 50 things to fight anxiety already makes me anxious. Don’t you agree? Instead, grab this 8 Drug-Free Ways to Battle Anxiety. The shortest and clearest pieces of advice. Moving, bedtime and live in the moment are my savers. What’s yours?
Health #2: Because it is all about taking care of yourself first. Not all of us including me are fans of meditation. I tried to meditate. And tried really hard. Maybe in the future, I will give it another chance just not right now. So for me, stress relief yoga is the best kind of meditation. Find 20 minutes preferable in the morning for it, and you will be amazed at the feeling after it. Give it a chance. Try this Best Easy Yoga For Stress Relief. You don’t need to be a pro. This is an easy yoga for all levels.
Planning: I’m not really good at planning fun. I usually just let it happen, except the times when I need to schedule something. But I do love to check out some fun ideas of things to do in fall.
Have some laughs: Disney Characters Surprise Shoppers. Cute video to unwind for a moment.
Movies to watch: If you have time to spare for yourself, just you, lady, watch Eat Pray Love. Such an undervalued movie. Maybe because critics were all men? Anyways absolutely must-watch female film. And better to watch it alone or with a glass of wine. If you have kids watch Lilo and Stitch. My all-time favorite cartoon. Funny, colorful, with a good message. And a movie to watch with the entire family is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. We all have an adventurer. You just have to let him out.
Latest on Instagram:
- Caribbean Festival in Cambridge.
- The amazing peach crisp to accompany the movie.
- Sweet and Sour pickles for the football season.
There you have some practical ways to fight the September rush. Life is always busy for most of us. The best what we can do is take care of ourselves in the tense moments. Find the time to breathe and recharge. Otherwise, you will be stuck in the middle of the road without any fuel, map, and clues what to do and where to go.
Take some time this weekend to recharge and renew yourself. There is the most beautiful season ahead. Prepare yourself to fully indulge it.
Lots of love,

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